速報APP / 生活品味 / Care The Pet (寵得易)

Care The Pet (寵得易)



檔案大小:14.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Care The Pet (寵得易)(圖1)-速報App

Care The Pet (寵得易)為香港寵物主人搜尋有關寵物服務, 包括上門寵物美容師, 寵物訓練服務, 寵物酒店. 提供服務地區, 價格, 設施 和相關資訊, 可協助寵物主人輕易找尋出最適合的酒店服務. Care The Pet (寵得易)的搜尋服務是完全免費. 如經本搜尋服務訂購服務, 或推薦服務供應商, 可賺取積分,用戶可用積分換取不同服務優惠.

Care The Pet provide a search engine to HK Pet Owners to find the most suitable pet services, such as Pet Grooming, Pet Training and Pet Hotels. Care The Pet search engine is fee of charge. Furthermore, you can earn the points if you reserve services from our app, or you recommend pet service provider, you can use the points to get different special offers.

Care The Pet (寵得易)(圖2)-速報App

Care The Pet (寵得易)(圖3)-速報App

Care The Pet (寵得易)(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad